For reporting purpose within Power BI reports on the new process that we are trying to configure in TMF we need several things. Certain data points from custom card values on lists and multi-level lists were identified in “tblDataDictionaries” on production environment (details about what they are can be find below). We need to make sure that we can use those for Power BI reporting purposes in Preview Beta and production environment as well. In Power BI we are trying to showcase them not only as static data, but filters as well. As far as we have managed to identify, these are not currently available in Preview Beta.
Data should be structured and organized by column name and values that are provided.
These are the data points from custom cards that we need:
1) ELC Classification: (Error/ Loss/ Complaint) and ELC Sub Classification (Responsiveness, Service delay, Service quality, Billing, Technology, Commercial, Payment, Onboarding, Invoicing, Customer due diligence, CoSec, Tax submission, Cash reconciliation, FACTA/CRS, Financial Statement, Management accounts, Regulatory filing, Shareholder register) – multilevel list
2) ELC Severity: Low (little/no commercial impact on TMF), Medium (some commercial impact on TMF), High (high commercial impact on TMF) - list
3) Party whose actions led to the situation: Client, Third Party, TMF Team - list
4) ELC Root Cause: Data input, Internal control failure, Inexperience / Training issue, Intentional error / Internal Fraud, Miscommunication / Failure to communicate timely, Misinterpretation / Misunderstanding, Control Gap / Weakness, Ineffective Prioritization, Non-Standard / Highly Customized Process, Process change deficiency, Unclear Accountability of Task Execution, System Availability Issues, Change of Management Failure, Offline Technology Failure, External - Broker/Client/Counterparty - Non System, External - External Fraud, External - External Systems Defects / Downtime - list
5) Risk Type: Operational (failures in internal controls, processes, systems, or people that may have caused negative impact over service quality), Financial (failure to manage assets/liabilities, poor returns from investments and/or non-complaint financial report), Regulatory (non-compliance with laws, regulations, or industry standards, potentially leading to penalties or legal consequences), Legal (potential claim and/or other legal event occurring resulting in a liability or loss, or a failure to take appropriate measures to meet legal requirements, Reputational (potential damage to the company's reputation due to negative publicity, customer dissatisfaction, or unethical practices) - table
6) Risk Exposure: Significant harm to TMF, Moderate harm to TMF, Little/no harm to TMF - table
7) Team or Individual Compliment: Local Team, Individual, Multi-Office / Multi Team - list
8) Type of Compliment: ACT Values (Accountable, Proactive and Thoughtful), Quality of Service, Responsiveness (Speed), Adding Extra Value to The Client, Other - list